By loading the page, the progress bars reach their specified percentage from zero. These are gradient progress bars.
In this code we have two progress bars. One of them is a circle with and in the center is written the percentage of progress and the other is linear and the percentage of progress is determined by increasing or decreasing it.
This progress bar is dependent on the second progress bar and by changing it, the progress percentage of the first bar also changes.
As this bar progresses, the color of the progress bar also changes. The closer it is to 100, the greener it is, and the closer it is to zero, the closer it is to red.
In this code, several progress bars with different colors and percentages are in a row and inside a progress bar.
There is a button below the progress bar that moves 20 percent forward each time you click on it, and by clicking on the reset phrase, the progress bar becomes zero.
By clicking on the button below the progress bar, the progress bar will be filled from zero to 100% and its color will change during filling.
In this code, we have four progress bars that go from zero to the specified percentage when the page is loaded, and the color of each one is different from the other.
In this code we have a card and inside the card is a fixed progress bar. There is also a button that, when clicked, displays a modal.
This progress bar has a constant progress percentage, but the progress percentage is shaking like a liquid. Its color is also purple.
The progress bar in this code has a small width and can also be changed by another progress bar. Its color also changes during development.
Several progress bars in this code are located in one progress bar. Each color is different from the other and together make up one hundred percent.
This gradient progress bar is pink and purple, and there is a button with an icon plus next to it, which moves forward a bit with each click on the progress bar.
In this code we have several progress bars. All of these progress bars have sharp corners and their color is red. These bars can be suitable for a website with a dark theme.
This progress bar has curved corners. There is also a gray border around it, and by clicking on the button above it, it goes up to 100%.
The progress bar in this post is located around the submit button on the form. This progress bar is filled by filling in the form fields, and when all the fields are filled in correctly, the progress bar becomes 100%.