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Learn HTML:

Html html tag

The <html> tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document.

The <html> tag represents the root of an HTML document.

The <html> tag is the container for all other HTML elements (except for the <!DOCTYPE> tag).


Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

HTML5 has added a new attribute: manifest.


Differences Between HTML and XHTML

The xmlns attribute is required in XHTML, but is invalid in HTML.

However, the HTML validator at does not complain when the xmlns attribute is missing in an XHTML document. This is because the namespace "xmlns=" is default, and will be added to the <html> tag even if you do not include it.



Attribute Value Description
manifest URL Specifies the address of the document's cache manifest (for offline browsing)
xmlns Specifies the XML namespace attribute (If you need your content to conform to XHTML)

HTML Html Example


HTML Html Code


HTML Html Tutorial